Doodle Scoville

Doodle Scoville

Doodle Scoville

Doodle Scoville is a game commemorating the birth of Wilbur Scoville. Wilbur Lincoln Scoville was a chemist, award-winning researcher, professor of pharmacology, and the American Pharmaceutical Association's second vice chairman. His book, The Art of Compounding, is one of the first to mention milk as an antidote to pepper heat.

Since last summer, Olivia has been wondering about Scoville and his test. It was evident from the start that this would be an opportunity to accomplish something enjoyable. Therefore, a game was created to test players with the spiciness of many different chili peppers. You will have to transform into ice cream sticks to beat each type of hot pepper so that the doctor is not defeated by the spicy food of the peppers. If you use all three ice cream bars and the chili still exists, then you have failed. Try it right now.

How To Play

Follow the guide to play.