Street Shadow Classic Fighter
Street Shadow Classic Fighter
3 3.835
Street Shadow Classic Fighter is one of the top new street fighting games in 3D. We are also confident that you will be excited to give it a try because we have never failed in this genre before, and we won't start now!
The finest Street Shadow Classic Fighter game is available online. Go out into the streets and defeat all of your foes as they approach you from the left and the right, for if they succeed in attacking you so much that your health bar runs out, you will lose instead.
By eliminating every enemy in a wave, you can finish a level. Then, you can upgrade your character to make them stronger and even change how they look. Finally, you can take on the next wave. Try it right now!
How To Play
- Use WASD or the arrows to move.
- Space to jump.
- Z to punch.
- X to kick.
- C to grab.